After any automobile crash you may feel scared, disorientated, and confused about what to do next. Motorcycle accidents can result in more severe injuries than other crashes, making them particularly traumatic. Your actions immediately following a motorcycle accident can affect your recovery, liability, and eligibility for legal compensation. Protect your rights as a motorist by knowing what you should and should not do after an accident. #1. Check for Injuries Directly after a crash, stay on the scene and move to a place of safety. Get out of traffic and remain somewhere off the roadway where you can safely gather information. If a vehicle is on fire or leaking gasoline, stand a safe distance away to call the police. Whether you’re the motorcyclist or passenger vehicle driver, check yourself and others for injuries. Few motorcyclists walk away without injury after a collision. Neck, back and head injuries are common in motorcycle accidents. If you suspect injuries to your neck, back, or spine, avoid movement until paramedics arrive on scene. Agitating a serious spinal cord injury can worsen physical damage. Other common motorcycle accident injuries include: Concussions and traumatic brain injuries Bone fractures, especially in the lower extremities Abrasions or “road…